The Flash DSC 1, a power compensation twin-type, chip-based fast scanning calorimeter (FSC): First findings on polymers

Vincent Mathot, Marek Pyda, Thijs Pijpers, Geert Vanden Poel, Ernst van de Kerkhof, Sander van Herwaarden, Floor van Herwaarden, Archi Leenaers
Thermochimica Acta, Volume 522, Issues 1–2, August 2011


The performance of the Flash DSC 1, a recently introduced, commercial available chip fast scanning calorimeter (FSC) based on MEMS sensor technology, was studied. Topics included calibration; symmetry; repeatability; scan rate control windows of operation. Scan rates up to 20 000 °C/s for empty cell measurements in cooling and heating have been achieved. By combinations of scan rates up to 1000 °C/s various topics in between −95 to 450 °C were studied on polymers including self nucleation; annealing and thermal fractionation; ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ crystallization; amorphization; and cross-over of crystallization behavior with scan rate variation for two polymers. Sample masses around 1 μg and less gave good results with excellent repeatability and acceptable thermal lags. The Flash DSC 1 enables to mimic realistic conditions of practice and to measure (meta)stability and reorganization phenomena of substances and materials, including polymers, metals, pharmaceuticals etc.

  1. Figure 1. This plot is copyright of SciTe B.V. (see, and SciTe gives “Advances in Engineering” the right to reproduce it for the quote of the paper;
  2. Figure 2. This plot is copyright of Mettler-Toledo (Mettler-Toledo AG, Sonnenbergstrasse 74, CH-8603 Schwerzenbach, Switzerland), and they too grant “Advances in Engineering” the right to reproduce it for the quote of the paper.


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