Guidelines for Featured Authors

Advances in Engineering features papers of exceptional scientific importance and intelligible to a broad scientific audience. Emphasis is given to all aspects of Engineering. Papers featured in Advances in Engineering must be of high significance in any area of Chemical, Materials, Aerospace, Computer, Civil, Construction, Biomedical, Nanotechnology, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Featured papers are assessed primarily on their scientific validity and merit.

Advances in Engineering is highly selective, the invited articles are less than 0.1% of the whole published literature (maximum 20 per week chosen by a team of advisers and experts).

Exposure – widest possible readership

Advances in Engineering, is available online to academic, corporate and government institutions and consortia around the world. Advances in Engineering is available to worldwide institutions at the click of a mouse, adding speed and visibility to authors’ research papers and contributing significantly to increased citations.

 Advances in Engineering - Audience Analysis Guidelines for Featured Authors



The goal of the Significance Statement that we will write (around 1,000 words long) is to allow readers from many fields of science and engineering to understand why the paper is important. It addresses the novelty aspect and the significance of the work with respect to the existing literature and more generally to the society. The statement provides enough contexts for the paper’s implications to be clear to readers.

Advances in Engineering writers will prepare the draft and share when ready with the invited researcher/professor for approval. Authors can add further information to enrich the significance statement.

By highlighting the scientific merit of your research, significance statement will help make your work more visible to our readership. We will then be in a position to use these statements to further promote your article and potentially enhance the overall impact of your research.

Few tips on how to assist us deliver a high impact science news.


  • Figures (not violating copyright laws) should be provided in a separate single .JPG  file, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and not be embedded with the significant statement file.
  • If a figure consists of separate parts, please submit a single, composite illustration page that includes all parts of the figure. There is no charge for the use of figures.
  • The figure legends should be included in the main text file at the end of the document, rather than as part of the figure file.
  • Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from publisher to re-use figures that have previously been published.


Invited scientists and professors have the option of including a short summary about themselves such as their qualifications, current positions they hold at institutions, research interests (with or without a photograph). The summary will be included at the end of the feature and it will give the readers an opportunity to know more about the author’s work.

Preferred category

Authors with the editorial staff will pick the most appropriate key scientific article category for targeted audience. The following categories are currently presented in Advances in engineering.

Chemical Engineering,  Materials EngineeringCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringNanotechnology Engineering , Biomedical EngineeringElectrical EngineeringGeneral Engineering & Applied Physics.

Processing Fee Charges

–   Advances in Engineering relies, in part, on the payment of publication fees to finance its operations. The small processing fee covers complete editorial workflow, AIE writers’ time and production, proof reading, editing, promotion and extensive dissemination of news about your work, online hosting, ensuring the work is properly evaluated for quality and made easy to find, download and read.

To help support researchers in low-to-middle income countries, Advances in Engineering provide full and partial waivers of processing fee for features based on the corresponding author’s listed affiliation.

  • Developed countries (Fee: $95 USD). Developed countries include: USA, Canada, UK, European countries, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and China.
  • Countries in Research4Life’s “Group A” will receive a full (100%) waiver. (Zero fee)
  • Countries in Research4Life’s “Group B” receive  50% waiver. (Fee: $42 USD).

Key Scientific Article Certificate

Advances in Engineering can provide upon request a prestigious Key Scientific Article Certificate to the selected scientists and professors (featured authors).

The certificate is professionally printed on a beautiful parchment paper embellished with a classic color border in an elegant style. It also Includes golden foil seal of Advances in Engineering research excellence which add a polished and professional appearance. For protection the certificate will be presented in a prestigious certificate holder.  Cost $69 USD.