Unlocking Metamaterial Design: A Procedural Graph Approach


Metamaterials, structures with properties distinct from their constituent materials, have garnered significant attention for their potential to revolutionize various fields, from mechanical engineering to material science. In a recent publication in the Journal ACM Transactions on Graphics by Liane Makatura, Bohan Wang, Yi-Lu Chen, Bolei Deng, Chris Wojtan, Bernd Bickel, and led by Professor Wojciech Matusik, an innovative approach to metamaterial design has been introduced. The study introduces a novel procedural graph representation for cellular metamaterials, enabling the design of a plethora of structures with diverse material properties and architectures.

Metamaterials, by their very nature, offer properties that defy conventional materials, exhibiting behaviors not found in nature. These materials hold tremendous potential for engineering applications, including tunable compliance, non-reciprocal behaviors, and impressive strength-to-weight ratios. The key to harnessing these properties lies in the architectural arrangement of the constituent elements, known as cellular architectures. However, exploring the myriad possibilities of cellular architectures poses significant challenges due to the diversity of architectural elements and the absence of a unified representation.

Existing approaches to representing cellular architectures each have their limitations. Generic voxel grids offer versatility but lack efficiency when editing or representing complex structures. On the other hand, architecture-specific approaches provide compact and editable descriptions but are often incompatible with each other. For instance, trusses and beams are described by graphs, solid bulks by constructive solid geometry (CSG) operations, and shellular structures using surface meshes or implicit functions. Such incompatibilities hinder holistic exploration across architectural classes.

Even within a given class, challenges abound. The design of shellular metamaterials, particularly those based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS), poses difficulties. Existing methods involve intricate mathematical functions or approximations, limiting the accessibility of these structures to engineers and researchers. To address these challenges, a novel procedural graph representation is proposed.

The heart of the proposed approach is a compact and intuitive procedural graph that encapsulates the construction process of various cellular metamaterial structures. This representation employs a skeleton annotated with spatially varying thickness to capture the diverse elements present in metamaterials. For instance, straight and curved beams are captured through lines with smoothness annotations, while shells are represented by surface skeletons accompanied by thickness profiles.

A notable contribution of this study is the automated version of the conjugate surface construction method (CSCM) for TPMS. Traditionally, constructing TPMS involved intricate human interventions and expertise. The proposed automated CSCM pipeline democratizes TPMS design, making it accessible to a wider audience. This innovation is poised to open avenues for the use of TPMS-based metamaterials in various applications, from bone scaffolding to thermal energy management.

The potential of the introduced procedural graph representation is evident in its ability to span various architectural classes and material properties. Through a user study, the ease of use and intuitiveness of the representation are affirmed, promising a more efficient and dynamic design process for engineers and researchers. The representation’s versatility enables the generation of novel structures that can be tailored to specific needs.

The study also hints at exciting future prospects. Guided search strategies and validation of physical properties are areas ripe for exploration. The potential to create structures with tailored material properties, using simple random exploration schemes, showcases the representation’s power.

In a nutshell, the new study by Professor Wojciech Matusik and colleagues presents an innovative approach to metamaterial design. The procedural graph representation, with its compactness, intuitive nature, and automated TPMS construction, is poised to reshape the field of metamaterial engineering. Its ability to span diverse architectural classes and create structures with varied material properties opens new doors for innovation and exploration. As the study unveils the potential of this representation, it also highlights the uncharted territories awaiting future researchers and engineers.

Unlocking Metamaterial Design: A Procedural Graph Approach - Advances in Engineering

About the author

Professor Wojciech Matusik
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Wojciech Matusik is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT, where he leads the Computational Design and Fabrication Group and is a member of the Computer Graphics Group. Before coming to MIT, he worked at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Adobe Systems, and Disney Research Zurich. He studied computer graphics at MIT and received his PhD in 2003. He also received a BS in EECS from the University of California at Berkeley in 1997 and MS in EECS from MIT in 2001. His research interests are in computer graphics, computational design and fabrication, computer vision, robotics, and hci. In 2004, he was named one of the world’s top 100 young innovators by MIT’s Technology Review Magazine. In 2009, he received the Significant New Researcher Award from ACM Siggraph. In 2012, Matusik received the DARPA Young Faculty Award and he was named a Sloan Research Fellow. In 2014, he received Ruth and Joel Spira Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Research Interests

  • Computer Graphics: data-driven methods, physics-based simulation, appearance modeling, computational displays
  • Computional Design and Fabrication: additive manufacturing, textile manufacturing/functional fibers, design/simulation tools, inverse problems, topology optimization
  • Computer Vision: inverse problems, data-driven methods, gaze models, computational photography, multi-modal learning
  • Robotics: computational design/simulation for robotics, soft robotics, tactile sensing/modeling, UAVs
  • Human-Computer Interaction: design tools for fabrication, crowdsourcing


Liane Makatura, Bohan Wang, Yi-Lu Chen, Bolei Deng, Chris Wojtan, Bernd Bickel, Wojciech Matusik. Procedural Metamaterials: A Unified Procedural Graph for Metamaterial Design. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2023; 42 (5): 1

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